Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Classroom Chick...

I'm Katie Barker. I am an extremely eager, senior General Education and Special Education major at the University of North Georgia. I got the idea to make this blog late the other night, when I should have been working on my author study, writing lessons plans, developing my case study, reading my assigned chapters, or slaving away over the excessive amount of World Literature studies I have been given lately. I thought it would be neat to look back over my last year in college. Especially, when I am (hopefully) up late grading papers next year. It would be something to distract me for a minute or two so I can give poor Pinterest a break. I've found over the last two years of interning, that I have developed some pretty distinct ideas about what I believe in and how I want to teach my students. I thought, "Why not share and find others who feel like I do!?" So... there you have it. My reason for starting up, "The Classroom Chick." I can only hope that over the years it explodes into something truly unique and helpful and fun to other educators out there!

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