Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Brain Break Bouquet

Loving these Brain Break flowers I worked up. What a great find these premise Brain Break circles were. Teachers Pay Teachers is what's up. Had to craft them up into my future room decor and color scheme. Love that black, mint, and cream!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Missing The Heat

Going on day 3 of my county being closed, I am itching for a little sunny weather. Two weeks into my student teaching, I was on a roll! I don't wanna stop now! Not when I just got going! However, to ease the distress, I looked back on some of my time in Italy this past summer under that Tuscan Sun. I would enjoy nothing more than to be back there right now, sipping a cappuccino, lounging on a sunny rooftop. Maybe after graduation, a whopping two months from now, I can venture back there for the summer to celebrate. If not Italy, maybe Nica, or somewhere entirely new. Currently, I have my sights on AFRICA! Lions, Tigers, and Bears, OH MY!

Thought Catalog

"23 Lessons My Students Taught a 23-Year-Old-Me"
Find the article here: